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Mahoney Family's Gable Cedar Cold Frames 

The winds that blast across the Mahoney’s lakefront property are no joke. Gusts that routinely reach 40 MPH topple wood patio furniture like dominoes, and quickly weed out all but the strongest landscape plants and flowers.

Their organic kitchen garden is mere feet from the water’s edge, and right on the front lines of this daily barrage.  Despite a generous automated watering schedule, the soil can quickly dry out from exposure, and even in ideal spring conditions, establishing tender young seedlings can be a challenge.  

The same gale that can be a blustery but manageable force in warmer months is much less forgiving when it comes with the bite of winter. 

Mahoney Family's 5'x8' Cedar Gable Cold Frames from Microfarm Organic Gardens on Vimeo.


A healthy assortment of established cool season varieties in the Mahoney's garden was beginning to flag, and Microfam’s Gable Cedar Cold Frame design was the answer. Sturdy cedar framing fitted with Agribon AG19 fabric, will allow water , air and light to pass through, while protecting the established cool season plants from wind gusts and frost.  The gable design sheds excess water and debris, and features two hinged lids that can be propped open for easy access to the garden.

Not only can the Microfarm Gable Cedar Cold Frame design protect fall gardens well into winter, but they also give growers a head start on early spring sowing, helping warm the soil for improved germination, and protecting young seedlings from insect pests, wind  and frost.

During the summer months, the design’s hinged lids can be easily removed and stored until they are needed again.

Interested in protecting your organic garden with a Microfarm Gable Cedar Coldframe? click here to get started.

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