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Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden Center


There’s something to be said for a shopping that’s fast and cheap. Endless parking, lots of product choices and low prices are great , but only as long as you know precisely what you want. A box of stainless steel wood screws. A bag of high strength concrete. A pair of  work gloves.


It gets tricky when you you’re not sure exactly what you need for a project or have a question about how to use it. We’ve all experienced the lonely frustration of finding assistance at a home improvement center…first the eager anticipation of getting your project underway….then the waiting….some more waiting…even more waiting until the empty aisles conjure a fluorescent lighted post apocalypse scene where tumble weeds roll by and an eagle screams high overhead.


Eventually, the time wasted waiting for help cancels out the advantages mentioned above...that is if you even got the answers you were looking for.


Need a water feature and some tips on how to get it up and running, or a GFI outlet for your greenhouse, and a pointer or two on how to install it?

Try Blackhawk Hardware and Blackhawk Garden Center.  Experienced team members roam the aisles looking for customers to help like kids at an Easter egg hunt, and they know their stuff too.


And it isn’t just great service and seasoned expertise that exceeds expectations here either. You’ll pick up on the quality of their product line the moment you walk through the door. A stroll through the selection of landscape  plants, ceramic pots, fountains, and all manner of whimsical garden art suggest words like fun, unique, sturdy, creative, original, lively, and elegant.

We’re happy that Blackhawk Garden Center carries a selection of Microfarm hand crafted cedar garden items like our kids potting bench and tiered garden shelf, and we think that our products add something special to the mix. Next time you visit, we hope you find the same is true.  

And if you should decide to bring a handcrafted Microfarm item home, you certainly won’t have any trouble finding someone to help load it in the car.




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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Response: best fish finder
    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden
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    Response: best fish finder
    Microfarm at Blackhawk Garden

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