5 Ways to Preserve and Store Fresh Eggs

Refrigeration (5 weeks)
Store eggs in a closed carton on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator.
Freezing (1 year)
Only freeze raw eggs with the shells removed. Break whole eggs into a bowl, blend the yolks and the whites, and press through a sieve. Add ½ teaspoon of salt to each cup of eggs for a main dish, or ½ tablespoon of honey or sugar for a dessert, and freeze in containers. Ideal storage temperature is 0 degrees F.
Pickling (6 months)
Pickle small and medium sized eggs in a wide mouth jar. Either use solution from prepared cucumber pickles or pickled beets, or mix up a solution of vinegar and spices like salt, pepper, cinnamon, dry mustard or cloves. Place cooked and hard peeled eggs in a jar, and our boiling solution over them. Refrigerate the eggs, and season eggs for at least 4 weeks.
Oiling (7 months)
Wait 24 hours after eggs have been laid before oiling. Heat white mineral oil to 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then pour into a small bowl and allow to cool to 70 degrees. Dip the eggs into the oil one at a time with tongs or a slotted spoon, and place each egg on a rack so that excess oil can drain. Ideal storage temperature is 31 degrees F.
Water Glass (6 months)
‘Water Glass’ is a sodium silicate solution that can be purchased at drugstores. Mix one part water glass to ten parts boiling water, and let cool. Place eggs in a jar, filling it so that they are covered by at least 2” of solution. Screw the lid onto the jar and store in a cool place like the refrigerator or basement. Ideal storage temperature is 34 degrees F.
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