Field and Forest Products : The Mushroom Experts

Although Shiitake gathered off of fallen logs have been the most popular mushroom in Asia for centuries, you don’t have to pack your kimono for a 12 hour flight to Japan to enjoy this sturdy, nutritious cap. Techniques have been developed over the last several decades that have made cultivation of the Shiitake mushroom, and other strains like oyster, reishi, and maitake, reliable and productive.
Although some mushroom varieties are more difficult to grow than others, the process is essentially the same : A substrate such as hardwood logs, sawdust, wood chips, compost, or straw is inoculated (i.e. planted )with a selected variety of mushroom spawn. Spawn is mycelial tissue of fungi which is used to propagate mushrooms. If ideal conditions are maintained, the mushroom spawn will eventiually colonize the substrate, and after a period of time (as little as a few days to several years depending on the substrate and mushroom variety ), the first flushes of mushrooms will appear.
Interested in growing your own culinary mushrooms? Of course you can always buy one of our inoculated hardwood logs, but where do you go if you’ve got an itch harvest your own logs for cultivation? What if you want to grow something more exotic and difficult to grow, like the Maitake ( Hen of the Woods )variety?
Check out Field and Forest Products.
While there are other sources of mushroom spawn and cultivation supplies, Field and Forest is always our first choice. They’ve been cultivating mushrooms since 1983, and they have a carefully regulated spawn lab and an adjacent farm where they can test spawn, new strains and new technologies.
Field and Forest Products has a large selection of spawn varieties and cultivation tools for sale at . Their site also has excellent information on growing mushrooms, recipes and more.
The how-to info on the site covers all of the common questions about growing mushrooms, like how long will it take for mushrooms to appear, how long will a log produce mushrooms, where should you store the logs, etc. They also have a how-to video library and a great selection of mushroom cultivation books and DVD’s
Ready to take the chainsaw out to the woods and harvest some logs for your own backyard mushroom garden? Trust Field and Forest Products .
Not into loud noises and large trees crashing down beside you? We’ll have new hardwood logs inoculated with Shiitake, Oyster, or Reishi mushroom spawn for sale for $40/per log beginning in early December.
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