McGeary Organics ; Time Tested Quality

In a world where the word organic is now heard in the same sentence as “only $19.95” and “order now!”, it’s refreshing to have a trusted, genuine resource for high quality organic flour, grain, feed and fertilizers.
When our customers who raise backyard chickens ask what kind of organic feed we suggest, the answer is simple:
McGeary Grain, Inc. was founded in 1952 - Long before the pesky infomercial, and actually just a few years after TV itself was invented. The company has built a solid reputation on decades of producing premium feed for farm livestock including chickens, pigs, goats, turkeys, sheep, and cattle.
McGeary Organics also operates the Annville Flouring Mill, the oldest continually operating flour mill in the U.S. (circa 1741), where they produce Daisy Organic pastry, bread wheat, and spelt flours.
Want to create living organic garden soil where vegetables thrive, or win the neighborhood lawn of the month award without toxic chemicals? Check out McGeary’s line of organic fertilizers.
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